Daniella van Hemelryck, born in the city of Lima, showed a deep interest in arts, literature, and science from an early age, which would become the fundamental pillars of her work. She studied Fine Arts and Painting at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru from 1984 to 1989. In 1990, she pursued professional Photography at the Kodak Academy in Lima, and from 1991 to 1995 she moved to Santiago de Chile, where she studied Costume Design at the Professional Institute of Sciences and Arts of Santiago.

Using light, darkness, movement, and color as her means of expression, she portrayed her interest in the study of perception as the exploration of sensations and emotions deeply stored in our minds, resulting in subjective interpretations, translated into filtered images through our energy and memory in her series PERCEPTION.

Subsequently, she created the series SPECTRUM and STARS, in which she uses spectrographs of celestial bodies and stars obtained from NASA, evoking humanity's eternal quest for answers, and constantly developing different languages to grasp the understanding of the cosmos and the universe. This series reflects the symbiosis between science and art, as both objective and subjective poles of the great human endeavor that promotes the union of cultural expressions.

Exploring the synergies between science and art, Van Hemelryck also ventures to speculate on the destiny of our species and nature on this planet, envisioning a society where the boundaries between physical and virtual reality became blurred. She suggests that in a thousand years, humanity will have flown to other planets and star systems, leaving statues on Earth as silent witnesses of the past. This vision is captured in her series SIGLO XXX and CELESTIAL ATMOSPHERES.

Always using light and color as her main tools and adopting various techniques, her works are typically large-scale. Today, Van Hemelryck's artworks are exhibited annually in Paris at the Grand Palais and the Grand Palais Ephémère, highlighting her presence in important artistic and cultural events. Van Hemelryck's artworks challenge us to imagine and question our own future, considering the implications of our present decisions on the evolution of humanity in the coming centuries. Her art continues to defy the limits of perception, inviting us to explore new frontiers and reflect on our role in the universe.